"Superdackle" is a new friend in the Superplastic universe, a reimagining of the "Wackeldackel," the classic, nodding dog to also known as the "bobbing Dacshund," which became a symbol of German car culture. Superdackle joins Superplastic "celebrities" Janky and Guggimon.
“The opportunity to bring Superdackel to life with Mercedes-Benz has transcended realms and possibilities in our digital universe as such an iconic moment. Janky and Guggimon are stoked to have a new partner in crime, and we’ll certainly be picking up the pieces in the wake of the chaos left behind," Galen McKamy, chief creative officer of Superplastic, said.
“It has been a high-energy and fully joyful experience working with the Superplastic team to reimagine the iconic Wackeldackel and bring Superdackel to life through this toy and apparel collection. People around the world love to add their own personal touch to their cars, even in the digital era," Julia Hofmann, head of branded entertainment and brand partnerships at Mercedes, added.